Paid Services Provided by Lizard-Llama Games LLC

Game Design Consulting

Talking through design goals and mechanics is an essential step to game design; an in-depth third party perspective allows you to gain momentum where there may otherwise be the Game Designer's Block.  Our primary goal when meeting for the first time is to provide rich feedback that will drive the process forword. 


Initial 1 Hour Meeting: $100

Follow Up 1 Hour Meeting: $50

Short Project (4 Meetings - Up to 1hr): $200 (Save $50+)

Long Project (10 Meetings - Up to 1hr): $500 (Save $50+)

(Short & Long Projects Include $25 Off Each Playtest Session)


Whether it is physical or on a virtual tabletop, we will gather players to play your game and follow up with detailed feedback and notes from the session. Each player will offer their own perspective on the experience as part of the notes; additonal follow up questions are included.


Solo or Two Player Game: $50 ($25 w/ Project)
Three or Four Player Game: $100 ($75 w/ Project)

Five or Six Player Game: $200 ($175 w/ Project)

Seven or More Player Game: $500 ($475 w/ Project)

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